Saturday, January 26, 2013

Now The Devil Hates Me


Does the Devil exist? If so, what’s his freaking problem? lol. Not really funny, but sometimes ya just gotta laugh.

You’ve probably heard it said that we all have our demons. Supposedly these are those things in our lives that we allow to hold us back from being all that we could be. Sometimes those demons can also be the things that drive us to greatness.

I suppose that we could allow the cherubs and angels some room here to be our guardian spirits. The bible says the Devil, the Anointed Cherub drew away a third of the angels in heaven to follow after him. So that leaves two-thirds to guard the rest of us. That sounds like good news.

Well, Angels and Demons weren’t the point of this post so I should move along.

Before my experience hearing about and believing in what God had done for me and everyone else through His son Jesus I really didn’t have much of a problem with the Devil.

I didn’t really think much about him and I suppose that’s probably what he wanted. To walk around behind me watching my life fall apart and laughing, but within a few minutes after believing the good news about Jesus I received my first real experience with the Enemy who had been behind so much of the troubles in my life.

His first reaction to me believing in God’s grace? Doubt. Almost immediately it was like an inaudible voice whispering in my ear. “You didn’t really believe that”, it said. “You don’t really believe that God would do something like that for a loser like you, do you?”

Just then the van I was driving reached the top of Jack’s Mountain outside Belleville, Pa. and I saw something there that changed forever my thoughts about this world. A large white cross mounted to an alter. I‘d seen it many times before as I drove that road almost daily, but now it drew me in like a magnet to steel. I stopped the van, got out and just looked at that cross. I’d never really noticed it much. It was just passing scenery, but today all if a sudden it was different. It symbolized something for me.

I had tasted a spiritual battle between someone who had been invisible, but a part of my life for so long and Someone who had been searching and waiting for me to come to Him. It was incredible. The goosebumps, the hairs standing up on my skin, the moment when the Darkness fled from me as I looked upon that symbol of salvation. A symbol of all that could be good and all that which the Dark had done to try and stop the Light from coming into the hearts of men. Into my heart.

At that moment I knew the Devil was real, more real that I would have thought possible all those years listening to heavy-metal 80s hair bands proclaiming their obedience to this dark creature that wanted to make me doubt. He wasn’t just a marketing gimmick.

I also realized that he probably wasn’t happy with me. I didn’t really care because something had happened to me that day. Something I didn’t understand and didn’t know what to do about, but something which would soon begin altering my world without me even trying.

Of course the Devil wasn’t done, still isn’t.

But that is another story.

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