Friday, January 25, 2013

It had to start somewhere

Ever feel like your life is spinning out of control? Ever wish that someone or something else would just take over? Ever want to have your life be changed in such a way as you could be someone completely different than who you’ve always been? Ever grow tired of all the crap? Yeah, that’s kind of how it started.
Ever feel like if only you could go back to another time and start again you could do it right this time?
Me too.
Ever feel like you’d hurt so many people that no one was left to hurt? Everyone you know hates you and you deserve the hatred?
Me too.
Ever feel like nothing you try to do works out? Everything just adds to the problems?
Me too.
That’s how it started. When I finally started to understand that everything I was doing was the reason for my troubles. The trouble was that I just couldn’t stop doing the things which I had always done. I couldn’t stop hurting myself and everyone around me. I couldn’t stop alienating friends. Something needed to change. I knew that much. I just didn’t know how to change it.
That’s where it started. That’s where it always starts. I was looking for something and I found it.
One day I was listening to a radio program about family life. You know, things like raising kids, loving your wife, treating people right, that sort of thing. I didn’t have much knowledge about that sort of thing. Well anyway, the guy on the radio introduced a special speaker. This guy started off by talking about people whose lives were a wreck and how they’d gotten there. I was pretty interested since I could identify.
Next he started talking about God. Now, I was no big fan of God and I hadn’t had much good experience with people who were. So, he starts saying about how everybody screws up and does bad stuff. How nobody could honestly say that they’d never done anything they shouldn’t have done. He said, this meant that nobody could “be right” with God. Since they weren’t right with God, they were gonna have messed up lives.
He spoke about heaven and hell too. Of course that wasn’t really a problem for me since I was pretty sure that if all that existed I wasn’t gonna end up with a harp and some wings.
So, he says that God wasn’t really happy about that situation since He created people for His good pleasure. He wanted people around. He wanted people cause even though we were bad He still loves us. Problem was that God couldn’t just let people get away with being bad. That wouldn’t be right. Somebody had to be punished, so God just figured that since no one else could do it, He could. He decided to take the hit for us.
So God became a man, called Himself Jesus and went around showing people how to live right, how to love others and how to stand up for what was right. Because he did that there were people who wanted to kill him. Why? Because they didn’t want to live right I guess. So anyway, they had Jesus killed but it was all part of God’s plan to make it so people who didn’t  deserve to be with Him could be with Him.
I’d never heard that before. God had made it right. How cool is that? Then the guy said probably about the best thing I’ve ever heard. All I needed to do in order to be right with God was trust what He had done. Just believe it.
I did. Everything started to change after that. It seemed almost as there was someone inside me telling what I shouldn’t do and helping me to not do it. Sometimes I even listened. I wasn’t going to a church or giving anybody any money or even reading a bible, but my life was changing….then it happened…I went to church…and that is another story.

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